1 hour of significant friendship
We believe God does some of God’s best work in the context of relationships. There is a power in significant friendships that changes us. In our busy lives, no matter how much we value those around us, our relationships can be the first thing to be crowded out. When we have a busy week at work or our kids have a lot going on, that time set aside to connect with someone we love can feel like a luxury. But, it would be impossible to imitate the life of Jesus without including the habit of connecting with people around us in a significant way.
This practice of spending time cultivating friendship is about more than having fun with each other or catching up on life, although we hope it includes both of those things. This practice is about making a habit out of intentionality in our relationships – being vulnerable, putting our phones away and giving one another attention, listening, and opening our relationships up to the work of God.
We hope the tools in this toolbox will help you go deeper with one another and God.