a pilgrimage experience

Dr. King & the Civil Rights Movement

As a part of our series on Peacemaking, The Vine is organizing a pilgrimage experience retracing significant moments from Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy and the Civil Rights Movement. We will not only go on pilgrimage to walk in these sacred places, but to also explore the calling of peacemaking for us today.

May 1-5

Pilgrimage Schedule

  • May 1, Departing flight in the afternoon to Atlanta, then a 2 hour drive to Montgomery, AL

  • May 2, Drive to Selma, walk the bridge and visit Museum

  • May 3, Visit the Legacy Museum and Memorial in Montgomery and other sites

  • May 4, Travel to Atlanta, visit the King Center and other sites

  • May 5, Worship at Ebenezer Baptist and fly home

What to expect…

  • Before the trip, we will share some optional materials including videos, audio recordings and writings to deepen your experience and prepare you for the trip. We will have a gathering before the trip to meet the fellow travelers and discuss the experience.

  • The cost has not been set yet, but will include the price of airfare, lodging, ground transportation, and museum entrance fees. We anticipate these costs being approximately $850-950. * Scholarship funds may be available.

  • This trip is available for people regardless if they are a part of The Vine.

Meet the Organizers

Registration is complete. If you would like to join the wait list, contact Mark.