Abide Introduction

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. - John 15:4-5

VISION: People will learn how to follow Jesus in intimacy and action.  This is done through:

  • Personal spiritual formation (prayer, study, other spiritual disciplines)

  • A deeper understanding of vocation and one’s unique calling

  • An integration of spiritual formation and relationships (with God and others)

  • Experiences of God’s presence as we go and serve with our gifts


  • If you have a faith-life but feel stuck.

  • If you are new to the faith and want to know how to take your next steps with Jesus.

  • If you have been a believer for a long time and wondered if there is more.

  • If you would like to strengthen your impact on this world.


  • An overview of the Christian life

  • Deeper knowledge of personal spiritual gifts and abilities

  • Self-care for leaders and an experience of the spiritual disciplines

  • An understanding of the power and importance of servant leadership to Christ’s church and Christ’s world.


We have 4 workshops over eight months.  These will be deep dives into curriculum and experiences.  The four areas of focus are:

  • Spiritual Formation (Prayer, Study, Sabbath, etc)

  • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Spirituality of Relationships)

  • Vocation and Spiritual Gifts (Enneagram)

  • Living on Purpose (Integrating Formation and the Power of Service)

Outside these days, personal exercises will supplement the workshop content (individual readings and exercises).  This might include readings, online communications, podcasts, and personal exercises. 

During the eight month experience, people will be placed in cohort groups.  These groups will be made up of four or five people, mixed gender.  The purpose of these groups will be to move the content into discussion and practices. These groups will meet twice a month to talk about their experiences, share their insights, and encourage each other’s growth.

This experience will conclude with each individual creating a “Rule of Life” or an intentional plan for a future with Christ and the Church.


    •    Optional Abide Community Social Event  5/8 (7-8:30pm at Jack and Liza Martin’s home. 401 Bulian Lane Austin, TX, 78746)

    •    Workshop #1 (Spiritual Disciplines) 6/8

    •    Workshop #2 (Emotionally Healthy Spirituality) 7/13

    •    Workshop #3 (Strengths / Enneagram) 9/14

    •    Workshop #4 (Putting it Together / Rule of Life) 11/7 (a Thursday night)


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