Worship with us Sundays, in Central Austin at Tex Fed.

10am on Sundays in-person at the Tex Fed (2312 San Gabriel St) or online on Facebook or YouTube.

Next gathering: Sunday, March 30, 10am, at the Tex Fed 2312 San Gabriel St.

Sign up for updates from The Vine HERE or text “thevine” to 97000.

Prayer and Worship Night  

Mark your calendars! Join us for a Prayer & Worship Night on April 1 at 7 PM. We’ll be gathering in the chapel at First Baptist Austin, who has graciously offered to host us. We’d love to see you there!

Current Sermon Series  

Prayer is a deep mystery at the heart of life with God. In this series, we’ll explore the wisdom of the monastic tradition, guiding us into deeper prayer. Over Lent’s forty days, we’ll blend teaching and practice to answer a core question: How does one pray? Check it out here!

Growth Track 

The Growth Track is an 8-week journey to deepen your faith by exploring how you experience God and yourself. It includes a Kickoff Workshop, weekly small group meetings, and three large gatherings. Through reflection and conversation, you’ll grow in faith and experience God’s love more fully.

Our mission is to follow Jesus together through:

Significant Friendships

Sacred Experiences

Generous Compassion



  • Jesus-centered

  • Practice-based

  • Third Way

  • Relationally-oriented

  • Outward-focused

  • Biblically-rooted